Revealed: The Top Performing CEOs In The World 2014

BANGALORE: CEOs are the driving force behind a company’s functioning. Few of them take this responsibility in such a way that they transform companies started in garages with no capital into one among the world’s most valuable companies. In the tech world you can find many such examples, Steve Jobs at Apple, and Larry Page at Google. However, there are a few others too, who share the same or a more brilliant story.    

To rank the best CEOs of all time, Harvard Business Review has come up with a scorecard that takes into account their financial and corporate social performance.

Here is the list of top 10 best performing CEOs in the world:

1. Jeffrey P. Bezos

He is credited with not just building the largest online retail store but also revolutionizing e-commerce. Amazon started as a book retailer online but soon expanded its offering to a variety of products. Amazon was born in the garage like many other technology giants of the Silicon Valley. When the company started, it did not plan to make profit for the first four-five years Stockholders complained about its “slow” growth and many believe that the model won’t succeed.

When the dot com bubble burst, Amazon was one of the few companies that survived and rapidly grew to be a Fortune 500 company. The company has a customer base of over 30 million people.