Quantum Material Initiates Tech City Construction in Assam


Quantum Materials Corp (QMC), an American-based nanomaterial company, expands the construction progress of Tech City into Assam, India. Also, the company declares the planned commencement of the production of QDX Dots there.    

"Production of QDX Dots is expected to begin in Q1 2020, ahead of the completion of the entire facility. Despite unprecedented monsoon rainfall in the region, our offsite prefabrication work has continued to allow for expedited installation onsite. Project funding is progressing as planned, which also allows us to advance onsite work," says Dr. Tony Balchin, CEO of Amtronics India LLC (The company coordinating the project and is the licensee of QMC’s QDX Reactor technology) 

Initially, the company had planned to occupy 20,000 sq. ft., for the Tech City. But now, the construction would be carried out on a 75,000 sq. ft., area with a modified waste management and recycling systems. The waste management and recycling systems were redesigned to support the multi-story quantum dot laboratory and factory complex.

QMC also aims to enhance the equipments at the Tech City in order to connect them to its QDX Ledger blockchain platform. This move would increase the quantum dot production, but, this could increase the production cost as compared to the original budget. Thus, the process has to be overseen, and appropriate royalties have to be recovered. Once Tech City goes live, the company would intend to earn royalties from the licensing of its technology, alongside its existing revenues from the provision of its QDX Reactor systems, ancillary equipment and services.    

“We are grateful to Dr. Tony and his team for their continued dedication to timely completion of Tech City and look forward to hosting key Amtronics technical and laboratory staff for specialist training at QMC’s HQ here in San Marcos, Texas,” says Stephen B. Squires, President & CEO of Quantum Materials Corp.