Independent Innovation: Strength of Deglobalized world


Innovation is the primary key to survival in this new normal. We are ingoing a deglobalized world where organizations must constantly innovate to survive. This is partially due to the growing pace of technological transformation. Every successive trend of digitalization it washes away what firms have already built. In addition, needs and feedback from customers can spread through social media at lightning speed, straitly hitting businesses to the end line. In the meantime, customer prospects for differentiated innovations are increasing rapidly.

Deglobalisation will help strengthen this tendency through decreasing scale. The companies will have a more challenging time making money through large-scale products. Hence it is conflicting to smaller-scale differentiated innovations.

Changing Global Trends 

Since COVID-19, countries are now forced to redefine the sense of national security, strategic industries, and how to recalibrate their national and international supply chains for more elasticity. In addition, worldwide trade has agonized as travel prohibitions, and lockdowns of bounds are instituted to evade the pandemic’s spread. So, there is more importance on national production and self-reliance. Altogether are innovating to survive, adapt, and develop future strategies to protect national economies from similar disruptions, even nations economically prosperous.

Various sectors, mainly connected to healthcare, personal care and hygiene, several food industries, information and communications technology, big data analytics, drones, education technology, e-commerce, delivery services, artificial intelligence, and financial technology are flourishing through this pandemic crisis. While others are probing their business models and value schemes to innovate, adapt, and survive. 

Post-Covid, Innovation turns out to be a marathon. 

The businesses that arise victoriously will be constantly and sustainably innovative. Companies will reinvent themselves and their offerings as part of their regular business, rather than in brief, classy bursts followed by an extended victory lap. Unfortunately, few companies are prepared for this more strenuous exercise.

Against this backdrop, conglomerates faced massive challenges to sustain, survive and adapt to the new world order. As a result, many among them paused operations or invoked their business continuity plans. But those who managed to stay afloat, despite the sectoral doldrums, created a niche for themselves by switching to digital-based models. As a result, they sustained and are now flourishing as operations and logistics ease around the world.

Innovation blockers

The difficulties of digitalization prevent large, established companies from developing the resources needed for sustainable Innovation. For example, incumbents in finance must navigate a treacherous transition from vertical to horizontal IT architecture, with cloud-based infrastructure and APIs knitting together internal and external inputs. “It’s like changing from a high-rise to a bungalow park, rebuilding your house while you are still living in it.” 

SMEs and start-ups will experience scaling headwinds. For example, the company owed much of its initial success to strong stakeholder relationships based mainly on unspoken agreements. However, when these agreements became more formalized and explicit to meet the demands of rapid scale-up, the ensuing conflicts halted the platform’s ascent.

Deliver Real Innovation

Making suitable structures for the invention to flourish is maliciously difficult. The advanced goal must be to inspire trial and error, Which means allowing for error. More research inevitably suggests more chances for failure, yet government organizations are not made to risk-taking, big companies in specific resist with new ideas. 

Though big companies make sense, It identifies several potential innovation models that large incumbent companies might consider. Individual strategy is to give up testing to invent in-house. The plan makes it easier for a firm to decrease losses when things don’t work out and overcome a mutual problem for internally developed projects.

The second approach technique is to treat companies as a series of city-states, where people can try different things. “At Amazon, even a junior employee’s idea is championed by someone else cannot be vetoed by the majority and must be presented to a senior management committee,” 

Innovation Governance and Management

Innovation as a value creates calculated organizational principles with Innovation as a formally adopted core value. Therefore, you must be clear about what innovation measures to your organization. 

Innovate over learning any strategic planning practice should be based on internal and external environmental factors, coupled with the study. It must be built upon data needs, satisfaction, positive strategies, and failures. It must be based on a logical framework and sound assumptions. Strategic plans require close examination and revision to account for the changing environment and needs. 

A disaster management plan is not similar to a strategic plan. It only oversees the crisis and is revised more often than the organization’s overall strategic plan. Lessons educated from dealing with the problem will notify innovative longer-term strategies comprised in the longer-term strategic plan. The disaster management plan may demand the interruption of specific programs and the beginning of new ones. A board of directors governs the team. Strategic communication is a vital factor of the crisis management team and plan.

Operation responsibility drops deeply inside the view of the executive director as the chief staff executive is accountable for implementing the board’s strategic vision for the company. In some instances, the board may allocate value set to the executive director and his/her team, but then again, the board is the one that wants the company carried along.

Create a Team within the company. Concerning lines of authority - avoid confusion, avoid creating organizations within organizations, and encourage cross-team alliance. Rejoice in successes, reward partners and inventors. Managers must perform on flattening their teams to inspire teamwork and Innovation.

The most refined Innovation gets investment. Company investments are likely to be made on its people. Inspire and backing staff professional development opportunities.

Make space for Innovation, something as simple as a whiteboard in the workplace where anybody can showcase their ideas, a suggestion box, and exciting team groups.