Ideas That Can Change The Indian Ad Business

The 10+2 trouble for TV

With TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) regulating the need to confine advertisements to less than 30 minutes, 10 minutes per hour. Advertisers are monetarily bottle-necked. Though the effectiveness of the advertisement will increase, it will also lead to inflation while lowering the high quality TV inventory.  Ad revenues will fall, but with limited inventory, the ad rates are sure to increase. Top advertisers and broadcasters are bound to clash to arrive at mutually acceptable new rates.


The social explosion

The social net or media is exuberant in all terms. Later in coming years it will flourish beyond bonds. It not only serves as a platform for social mingling, but is a profitable and fool-proof area for advertisers. With advertisements pouring in from all corners of social media, in a few years now, we see them becoming even more powerful. The brands are using the social platform for more than advertising; including complaint–handling, communication testing, and consumer engagement.

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