How to Run a Bitcoin Node

How to Run a Bitcoin Node

There's nothing else the current generation likes more than modern technology. We all want to do our things using the most efficient solutions, such as Bitcoin technology. Moreover, online shoppers have grown significantly in the past few years. All parameters show that the size of the online community will swell even more soon.

One of the primary factors accelerating the culture of online shopping is Bitcoin technology. Bitcoin allows consumers to buy goods from any merchant worldwide because the technology doesn't care about distance or one's geographical location. Besides, the network running Bitcoin cryptocurrency is decentralized, thus offering significant operational and legal autonomy.

To accomplish all the dreams we've always had about Bitcoin, developers must keep creating better alternatives. And by this, we mean more efficient ways of interacting with the Bitcoin blockchain. For example, running your node is no longer a wish but a reality. You should know the following about setting up and operating a personal BTC node.

Understanding a Bitcoin Node

Like any other, the Bitcoin network requires computers and the core software running them. A Bitcoin node is a computer on which you install Bitcoin's core software. There have been various third-party service providers owning Bitcoin nodes. For example, your wallet doesn't link directly to Bitcoin's leading network.

Instead, wallet provider networks broadcast various transaction data to the blockchain via Intermediary nodes. As a result, the processes are relatively slower and more expensive. However, with your node in place, you can enjoy numerous benefits. Some advantages are related to costs, while others ensure convenience.

Why You Should Run a Bitcoin Node?

As we've said, operating your node allows you to enjoy advantages not available to Bitcoin users on conventional network configurations. The primary benefit of setting up a personal Bitcoin node is improved privacy. And this is crucial because you don't want to keep sharing your vital transaction information with third-party Bitcoin networks.

Running a Bitcoin node connects you directly to the blockchain network, thus giving you the privacy you deserve. Additionally, individual nodes cut the workload on the main blockchain. As a result, the operation speed increases, and the power consumption decreases. When this happens, you can transact at lower costs and invest the savings on reputable Bitcoin exchanges like

Methods of Running a Bitcoin Node

Once you're with your preferred hardware, such as a desktop, laptop, or smartphone, you can run a Bitcoin node using any of the below methods.

A Single Board Computer (SBC)

Using an SBC is one of the best ways to run BTC nodes. However, you'll spend more dollars setting it up for the first time. The method is ideal for users who want to spend less on electricity because the associated device is significantly lightweight. 

You'll connect your SBC machine to the power source and the internet before you can use it. Next, you'll link the SBC device with your digital wallet installed on your PC or phone, and you're ready to go. Single Board Computers are perfect for running a BTC node because they can operate the whole day continuously. And this keeps you connected to the blockchain in real-time for efficient operations.

The Specter Desktop Software

This method is most suitable when using more advanced hardware like a desktop or a laptop. The first step is downloading the Specter Desktop application and installing it on your machine. You'll then activate its inbuilt Bitcoin core software. Finally, you'll link the Specter software with your Bitcoin wallet, ready to start running your node independently.

The best way to operate a node using the Specter Desktop application is by keeping your PC on all day. However, you'll wait for the software to load the real-time blockchain for a few seconds when you open it.

A VPS Node - A VPS is a third-party Bitcoin node service ideal for those constantly moving, such as the digital nomads. Most people who run BTC nodes using VPS nodes are international payment processing companies. This method boasts two key advantages. First, your node will stay online the whole day. Also, you can send or receive funds, no matter the day or location.

The Bottom Line

Running a Bitcoin node is incredibly straightforward if you know what it entails. For example, you must have the right pieces of hardware, with all vital applications installed. And you can operate a Bitcoin node using a VPS Node service provider, an SBC, or the Specter Desktop Software. Running a BTC node improves privacy and makes the Bitcoin network more efficient.