Current Economic status of India: A Rationale Viewpoint


Covid-19, one of the worst pandemics ever faced by the world made changes in every infrastructure of systems followed by all countries. Around 200 countries have inveterate active medical cases, by contagious coronavirus confirmed a pandemic situation by the World Health Organization. Recently the global count of the active cases of coronavirus is growing millions in the overall world. This current condition of the pandemic is bursting the economic structure of the world very badly. Economic augmentation for the deadly disease year has been a bit more flexible than the universal harmony comparing every year. Every data bringing surprises right now. While discussing the case of India it is also revealed that the government's responsibility a good job of underneath the economy in the initial section of 2020-21 when the crucial time had hit India and the country had gone into lockdown.

We already have the knowledge that India is an emerging economy. The situation of the economy of the country passing through a variant structure with demanding needs. Right now unemployment crisis in the country holds bad proportions and it is straining the veins of the country. The pandemic situation is decreasing the acceleration and growth of economic status. While researching the prior status of the country it is very clear that economic growth showed a slow-motion movement in the employment sector. India’s capability to contract with a novel catastrophe was scrawny when the epidemics strike in March 2020. The economic catastrophe following March 2020 exaggerated all the sectors of the country’s economy. The agricultural sector of the country faced immense pressure because of the blocks and failure in the supply chains and diminishing market values. Outlet prices were fell into very low and it results in various crises in the agricultural industry. This catastrophe resulted in severe unemployment in the industry across the country. Both small and big enterprises related to the industry faced economic loss. Reports estimated the GDP growth rate of -4.3 percent to -15 percent in 2020-2021.

The economic rejoinder of the government till October 2020 was gravely lacking on require plane interventions and it was uncertain to enlarge money valuating expenditure since it feared amount in financial discrepancy. The economic bang was largely upsetting; India's augmentation in the last months of the financial year 2020 fell apart to 3.1 percent, reports by The Ministry of Statistics. According to The Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India, this plunge is mostly owed to the coronavirus pandemic upshot on the country’s economy. Particularly India had also been facing a pre-pandemic downloading in the growth.

“As part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat package. While non-strategic sectors will be left to the private sector, only four public sector enterprises will be allowed in the strategic sector under the policy. That is something that will make a big directional shift and I desire that to happen, identifying the move as one of three key reforms. It's not a wish from out of the blue work is going on that and I would like to see the realization of that particular first step. Second is the need for a more robust federal structure as a driver of growth. We need to have greater robustness in our federal debate, federal engagements, so that India can come out roaring on all the four-five engines four engines from the point of view of the economy the fifth, which I add is a robust federalist structure.” – Nirmala Sitharaman, Finance Minister of India

Reserve bank of India (RBI) studies reached a narrowing of above 40 percent in the GDP in the first quarter of the fiscal year and it is not uniform. The contraction will fluctuate according to diverse situations such as places and regions. RBI presented several schemes to empower the growth of economies such as attaining cash from the prominent World Bank and Asian Development Bank around 374000 crores (52 Billion). It has been approved by both banks to retain the good condition of the Indian Economy.

Uprising State of Economy

At a time when it happens that the global economic bustle is overwhelmed by the outburst of the second wave of COVID-19, inward statistics for the month of 2020 October have flamed the impending position for the Indian economy and stimulated up end-user and commerce self-assurance. At haze the public estrangement, outstanding to hazard of covid-19, the propensity of the patrons to overstock on necessary production and possessions of food materials. This uprise in the sales of the FMCG enterprises which it adage descend in the stir up in deal due to indistinct supply chain .the e-commerce subdivision maxim a plunge in augmentation with heaviness on the supply chain offerings and the outlook of the regulars on the companies to come up with recent allocation pinpoints focusing on straight to purchaser routes. In this towering situation, the running and knowledge of requirements will engage a vital responsibility in the purchaser's next of kin sector. We can say that our economy is emerging from the dirt right now…