United States' Highest Paid Tech CEOs

BENGALURU: Most of us admire the CEOs of companies and those in high leadership roles in business organizations. Their stories are inspiring and make us realize that through ambition and hard work one can definitely carve his or her destiny irrespective of the background they hail from. While many of the CEOs are self-made, some of them have climbed the success ladder after working in an organization for couple of years. We bring to you a list of achievers who are self-made and ranked as the highest paid technology CEOs in United States, as compiled by Times of India.

Microsoft’s Indian-born CEO Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella was born in Hyderabad, India. During his childhood days, he developed interest towards cricket and also played for his school. He has made our nation proud by spearheading the IT giant, Microsoft. Nadella’s overall compensation is $84,308,755. His salary includes base salary of $918,917, cash bonus of $3,600,000 and $12,729 in perks.

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