Top 5 Businesses Adversely Affected By Technology

BANGALORE: With the rise of digital technology we have seen innovative way technology can touch us- cell phones, Youtube, social networks and other amazing electronic entities. However, while new things have been added into our environment, some long established industries have been badly shaken by this inflow. has compiled a list of the worst affected industries:

Video Rentals

Video rentals used to be a robust and thriving industry for people who did not have time to watch movies in theatres. With this service, they could now watch movies at the convenience of their homes. However, sites like YouTube and services like Netflix have made it easy for people to watch those same movies on their laptops and other mobile devices. The move industry has also been affected, although less so because movies are still considered as an experience rather than a commodity, and they can profit from the sale of other items at the point of screening, like popcorn and soft drinks.

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