People Live On Less Than $1.25 A Day In These 10 Nations

BANGALORE:  The United Nations yearly and periodic estimates and researches show that countries that have been stricken to poverty years back are still stuck and have not made a move from that phase till date. This article stresses on the monetary living standards of the poor and countries around the world per day.

The World Bank has various limits or par to distinguish poverty on different levels according to the status of the country. The various levels stretch from $1 to $10 per day to differentiate poverty around the world. The focus in this article is on $1.25 per day that is where the largest population of poverty resides around the world.

Haiti and Nigeria:

62 percent of Haiti and Nigeria are under poverty. Haiti has a population of 1 crore whereas Nigeria has population of over 16 crores.  Poverty in these two countries is seen in every day aspects of their lives, housing, educations, food, hospitals and employment. Haiti was also not long ago hit by one of the most deadly hurricane attacks and thus left the country in an even more devastated state.

Nigeria is unstable, rigged with riots and civil wars. Nigeria has for long been in the midst of ethnical conflict and wars that leaves the people running for their lives more than trying to build a country. This country is one of the largest economies in Africa and also is known for the largest economic growth ratio, but they have huge poverty indifference. This is a concern that the country has not taken seriously.

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