9 Countries That Spend Most On Alcohol

Bangalore: Many people take alcohol consumption pretty much for granted. It could either be evenings at the pub in Ireland or at small family get together. Alcohol has been woven as part of many cultures.

Millions of people across the world are losing lives every year due to alcohol related causes, and issues like this easily forgotten just after the event takes place. But, we have to admit that alcohol consumption has become an obsession and an addiction to many people across the world.

There are countries that have become the largest alcohol consumers, let’s take a look at those countries, listed by Rediff.

1. The Czech Republic
Alcohol Consumption Per Adult Annually: 16.47 Litres
Total Score: 64.5
Overall Rank: 1

The Czech Republic has just received the sort of global recognition it could do without, it is placed first in a world ranking of alcohol consumption in a World Health Organization study. In fact, according to the local alcoholism experts, there is a steady increase in alcohol consumption as Czechs seek an easy solution to increased stress.

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