7 Low Budget Online Business Ideas

sdBENGALURU: Planning to start a business but don’t have sufficient bucks to spend on your business? No worries, because there are plenty of marketing tactics you can make use of that won’t blow your budget. Marketing is one area where there are a lot of opportunities to cut costs in a small business, according to about.com.

Build A Social Community:

One of the most audience-centric ways to promote your business online is by cultivating a community. This can be accomplished by asking for and responding to comments on your business blog, creating a group on Facebook or LinkedIn, or even through your social media channels by regularly starting conversations with followers.

Industry Partnerships:

Team up with a business, related to your industry for a joint project. This can be done locally offline through some kind of special event, or online with a webinar or promotional giveaway. Partnering with another business means twice as much notice. If you are partnering with an industry-relevant business, you are getting introduced to a whole new audience related to your niche. People pay big money for that kind of access.

Apply Online For Business Awards:

Most industries have business awards you can win, providing you with an online badge you can place on your website. Badges like these can boost credibility and as a result increase sales. If there aren’t any awards for your industry, host your own. You will get a ton of attention from other industry businesses who want to apply for your award, which means even more connections and more possible future collaborations.

Guerilla Marketing:

Guerilla marketing emphasizes creativity over budget, and strategies are often cheap and easy to implement, especially when localized. Broadcast your Twitter handle with sidewalk chalk, use an abandoned storefront as a canvas for street art or plaster custom stickers on urban decor that makes those who stroll by look twice. There’s a ton of room for invention here, and you don’t need a big budget to be successful.

We did a massive post about guerilla marketing recently, detailing a bunch of strategies and examples you should check out if you want to learn more.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing is a great way to get new visitors engaged with your business, as well as maintain relationships with your existing customers. Get new website visitors to sign up for your newsletter by offering a bonus content piece for subscribing. Slowly nurture your subscribers via email until they are ready to become paying customers. Start your email campaigns with a free email marketing service like MailChimp.

Host An Event:

Always plan an event to host, then print out flyers and post them on community bulletin boards like libraries, coffee shops and local colleges. While most community bulletin boards won’t let you post business advertisements, they are often more than happy to post a flyer promoting an educational event or class.

Content Marketing:

Content Marketing has been for a long time but with all of the emerging online platforms to share it, content has become the foundation for many types of marketing activities. Plus, one piece of content can be leveraged in a number of ways. For example, you can create a blog post, share it on social media with a link back to your post or record a video or info graphic that presents the content in a visual way.

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