7 Companies You Love To Hate

Bangalore: As consumers everybody is very finicky. Some people even tend to change services immediately if they feel little bit unsatisfied. But when it comes to big brands and companies most of you share a love hate relationship. There are many companies which people hate but still cannot just leave them. Here are seven companies whose services will bug you very much but most people are too much in love to leave them.

1. Walmart

Walmart is the king among retailers who provide lowest discounts. The $443 billion company provides the customers with offers that are hard to resist and people just dig in to the site and stuff their closet, shelves and garages as everything comes within their budget.

But is has also been observed that the discount Goliath often fails to meet the customer expectations. Few have even complained about the shopping experience and the culture. But what ever it may be the even people who hate the company can’t deny that economies across the globe are powered by Walmart’s presence.

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