5 Most Influential Teenagers Around The Globe


Jazz Jennings

Jazz Jennings is the youngest representative of transgender in the society. In 2007 at the age of 7 she stared in YouTube videos which was titled as ‘I am Jazz’ and conveyed the story of her life as a teenage transgender. This went Viral and she rose in to immense popularity. Now at the age of 14 she is a writer, artist and a LGBTQ activist.

She is the youngest transgender to appear on television with huge popularity. She was able to convey her perspectives and point to the society which was abounded with innocence. With the help of her parents he also founded ‘purple rainbow foundation’ for the Trans kids which help the Trans youth for education. Thus she is truly one among the most powerful teenagers in the world.


Mo’ne Davis

Mo’ne Davis is the first little league player to appear in a U.S. sports magazine by becoming the cover page for ‘sports illustrator’ Magazine. She is one of two girls who played in the 2014 Little League World Series and is the first girl to earn a win and to pitch a shutout in Little League World Series history. She is trained for becoming a Basket ball player and aiming to make it big in the WNBA.

In 2015 she released a memoir, Mo'ne Davis: Remember My Name and also teamed up with M4D3 brand for selling girl’s sneakers. She is trending in the television and News with the win thus becoming a part of most powerful teenagers in the world at the age of 13.