25 Companies and Their Inception

10. Skype

Skype is a client server and peer-to-peer VoIP service. The original name of the company was based on the concept of the business of peer-to-peer which was morphed into “Skyper” and later renamed as Skype.  Skype was first released in 2003 written by Estonian developers Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn.

11. Adidas

It is a German multinational company that is involved in producing and designing sports clothing and accessories, headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany. The name of the company was taken from its founders name Adolf Dessler (ADI) and his first name was shortened to ADI and together with the first three letters of his surname Adidas was formed and the company was named accordingly.

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12. Adobe

Adobe is a San Jose, California; United States based multinational software company. The company name “Adobe” was taken from the adobe creek that ran behind the home of the company Co-founder John Warnock. The company has a huge contribution to the business of multimedia and also creative software products.

13. Amazon.Com

Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezoz wanted a company name starting with the letter “A” that will appear at the beginning of the alphabetic order. While searching in the dictionary, he settled for the name “Amazon” as it started with the alphabet “A” and was also the name of a river considered famous in the world, as he dreamt for his company will be one day.

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