10 Companies That Changed Their Logos As A Style Statement

BANGALORE: ‘Tastes changes with time,’ and there are some companies which succumbed to this inevitability and changed the logos which adored their products for decades but the need of hour created an urge to change them their logos. The fashion is governed by the sleek, shiny and stylish trend.

The logo is changed by the companies in order to better represent where this brand heads in the future. Here is the list of 10 companies that switched their logos according to the modern trend as compile by the Business Insider.

1. Visa

Visa is a global digital payments network that unites consumers, businesses, banks, and governments in more than 200 countries and provinces for speedy, protected and trustworthy electronic payments.

The new logo reflects the new tag line as a global card usage that transcends physical locations. It has been given a dark coated paint whereas the yellow strands from the old logo are disappeared in the new one.

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