10 Top Corporate Philanthropists

Bangalore: "Money is like manure. If you spread it around, it does a lot of good, but if you pile it up in one place, it stinks like hell." says Clint W. Murchison. Not all billionaires go by this quote, but a few follow it to the core. During their recent India visit earlier this year, Bill Gates, head of Microsoft and Warren Buffet, the billionaire Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway spoke their mind on local billionaires donating to charity. India owns some famous business personalities who are bounteous enough when it comes to giving to charitable causes.

Listed below are a few Indian businessmen who have made a lot of contribution through generous charities and donations.

Azim Premji

Chairman of Wipro and the third richest man in India, Azim Premji had unarguably made the biggest philanthropic contribution in India. He has made a donation worth $ 2 billion towards the upliftment of education in rural India. The transfer amounts to over a tenth of Premji's total wealth from Wipro, which stands at 80,670 crore. He says, "We believe that good education is crucial to building a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. We want to contribute significantly towards improvement of education in India, and through that towards building a better society." Azim Premji Foundation works towards education of rural children in India.