10 Lowest Paid CEOs In India

BANGALORE: The list for the highest paid CEOs is one that always hits the headlines. It is part of the business cycle for CEOs and MDs of huge multibillion dollar companies to be paid a huge nine to ten digit salary or compensation for their posts. But even in the cycle of the richest there still are those CEOs who take away modest salaries.

The idea with taking less annual compensations from the company is so that they are able to get remunerations from other sources like stocks and shares. These alternative avenues of being compensated may not be liquefied but are sure worth more than those that are owned by highly paid CEOs.

Now apart from the money, CEOs who take modest salaries have voiced that they are more concerned about being part of a smaller successful business unit than taking their huge experience to global companies. The value and job satisfaction that they beget is a huge reason for their unsung botheration of their annual compensation. So here is a list of the lowest paid CEOs and also what their holdings are in various remuneration forms, as compiled by Business Insider

Umesh Revankar: The Managing Director of Shriram Transport Finance, Umesh Revankar, was previously the deputy managing director of the company. He is one of the CEOs in India who draws a relatively low salary where back in 2013 his annual compensation was 48.17 lakh rupees.

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