
How to take your Startup Global

Tarakan Maner
President, CEO & Chief Customer Advocate-Dell WYSE
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tarakan Maner
The startup scene around the world resonates, "survival of the fittest". In this mad rush where new businesses are launched every day, the success rate is relatively meager. The process of building a successful company is initiated by building an idea which then translates to building a company. The next logical step for any business that wants to make it big is to go global. Aided by the advanced technologies that keep people connected throughout the world 24/7 makes this a much easier process than what it was a few years back.

Taking a startup from a local pedestal and making it global is no ordinary task. The process not only involves expansion in the geographic sense but also expansion in terms of IT and global customer base. To make this leap, business skills of the highest order are required. But there certainly are a few do's and don'ts which can make this uphill task relatively easier.

'When in Rome, do as the Romans do' personifies best when a startup is going global. Before opening shop in a foreign land, it is important to understand the different clients, community and their culture.

To succeed on the global scale, you must understand the markets in the global context. Comprehend the nature of emerging markets you wish to enter. Fathom the opportunities and also the pitfalls for any particular economy so as to allocate your resources and your actions towards those building positives.

An understanding of emerging markets in the respective economy is also necessary. This is not only in terms of overall IT trends of the region, but the innovations that have come out of there, as well as the social and cultural aspects that they function on.

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