Buying a Camera: 6 Things to Know

3. Advanced Point-And-Shoot Camera

Pros: The advanced or premium point-and-shoot camera offers better image quality than most fixed lens cameras and has manual control over shutter speed and aperture settings.

Cons: More expensive than basic point-and-shoot cameras, limited optical zoom range, can be more complicated to use than basic point-and-shoot cameras.

Not all point-and-shoot-cameras can capture best images like DSLR, but an advanced or a premium point-and-shoot compact camera tries to reach the image quality of DSLR. These types of camera are commonly referred as a secondary camera for professional photographers/ DSLR owner or a learning tool for trainee shooters.

The advanced point-and-shoot camera comes with wider aperture, larger image sensor than the basic point-and-shoot cameras. They also features manual controls for setting aperture, shutter and ISO to make your shot more creative and some advanced point-and-shoot cameras also have option to accommodate external flash or microphones.

Related stories: Top 10 Advanced Point-and-Shoot Cameras in India
