5 Smart TVs Worth Watching Out

4. Sony Entertainment Network

The smart TV from Sony includes the following features.

Sony Entertainment Network (SEN): the home screen has the Twitter live feed on the left and this can be interchanged to display the date and time as well. At the centre of the TV screen you will find the list of apps which are available. And to make browsing easy among your favorite apps, there is a panel on the right hand side that has shortcuts to eight of your favorite apps.

Opera TV Store: The Sony Smart TV has a store from which you can download apps, though right now the store is in the process of being developed and there are only 12 apps at present. Though the users have been promised that the number of apps will increase soon.

3D Experience: Another interesting app that Sony gives its users that many others don’t is the option of choosing among 55 3D videos; games and movies. Though the videos last only for few minutes, Sony promises to work on it further.

Web browser: Apart from partnering with Opera for the App store, Sony has also partnered with the for the web browser. The web browser comes with standard features like zoom, bookmark, multi-tab etc. But there is a drawback in the form that the browser isn’t compatible with Flash and due to this reason it keeps crashing repeatedly.
