What Would You Do With 1000? 5 Smart Ways To Make Use Of It


Accumulate down payment for a new house

A shelter is basic need of a human. Buying an own house is a dream for millions of us. What if that one thousand rupee you spent on a weekly basis for fancy shopping can help you to accumulate down payment for your dream nest? Yes it is possible.

There are different ways to save money; this is one among the best way. Save that one thousand rupees per week and invest the whole four thousand in a SIP every month. With the minimum of return you will be having a savings of at least 10 lakh by 8-10 years. For more savings invest more money.


Get your health check-up done

With the crazy lifestyle, being healthy all the time is next to impossible, thus a health check up is very important at least once a year. Since hospitals are also being business organizations the packages for a health check up is also probably high nowadays. But all you have to do is to save one thousand rupees per month.

The Friday night outs which will cause you more than three thousand rupees can be cut down to monthly once which will help you to save the money for a health check up, which will help you to party whole life.

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