Steps for a Newbie in Stock Market

2. The Correct Attitude

Stock market is not the place for all people. If you are a newbie, then you must play by certain rules. You must never dream of making it big in the first go. Stock market is extremely spirited and only the ones with presence of mind survive it. Picking the right stocks for investing is crucial but having the right outlook is just as necessary. One slip-up of your judgment and your entire life-savings might go up in flames. Hemant Rustagi, CEO of Wiseinvest Advisors, encourages newbies to not consider investing as a ball-park. He quotes, "Stock investing is not a gamble. It is a serious investment opportunity." Jayant Pai, CFP of Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services, says, "While a new investor can try his hand at investing in stocks directly, he should also learn from his mistakes."