Know How Our Hard Earned Money Is Put To Use

sd7. Taxes Help in Lowering of National Debt

Increasing of tax is a common tactic to lower the National Debt. We often fail to understand that our taxes are the most efficient way to tackle National Debt. Taxes levied upon general public is used by the Central Government to pay for its debt taken from foreign nations for its import of goods, materials, arms and ammunitions and also to build its infrastructure as India is still a developing country. This will in turn help in growing the nation’s economy by reducing National Debt.

sd8. Helps in Giving Salaries to Public Servants and Their Pensions

Public servants like police officers, IPS officers, government officials as well as army personnel get their salaries from the taxes we pay. Even retired officers get their pensions from taxes itself. We as general public, by paying taxes not only help the government but also  give spend the portion of our hard earned money in protecting our borders and ensuring the livelihood of our army personnel’s.