Getting Married? 10 Money Matters to Discuss

7. Assets You Need To Buy

Marriage calls for a merger. You can choose to buy expensive items and can still call it your own though you both will share the price. Discuss what assets you will need in your future and how are you both are going to fund it. Ask him/her whether you will buy it prior to the marriage or later; at one go or in installments? As a couple, lots of things will come cheap as you both can share the expenses.

8. Wedding and Honeymoon Fund

Talking about money matters with him/her might not be a very comfortable topic but it’s necessary. Always remember, a strong marital life is based on truthfulness and proper communication in all spheres of life, which also includes the financial aspect. Hence, talk about your wedding and honeymoon plans and how will the expenses be shared? What are the expenses your parents and your in-laws will bear?