False Beliefs Even The Smartest People Have About Money

4. Spend Money to Make Money

Wherever you look, stories abound about people who started their businesses in their garage, spare room, even their car. Anything is possible, if you believe it, and set your mind to achieving the task, and taking the “action” to make it happen.

With the internet, this is even more so.  Technology has enabled minimal and no start-up money requirements.  The huge growth in the home business sector has meant minimal overheads.  It is great to have some money to seed fund your business, but it’s the other elements that are far more important, like your success mindset, entrepreneurial creativity, taking action at the right time, repetition, persistence, and the flexibility that will bring success.

5. Educational Qualifications is a must to Make Lots of Money

This belief is not true at all.  In recent times, we have seen more internet marketing made millionaires than we have seen previously in other business sectors, and many with very little or no formal education. What they have is an entrepreneurial, risk taking spirit, action orientation, and persistence to succeed at all costs.

Without adequate application, there is no success.  Success comes from applying your knowledge ‘full circle’ and seeing it through to the absolute degree of completion with determination. The most successful people come to business and make money with an open mind, egalitarian in nature, and willing to try new things.  A success mindset and attitude are all important, as is the ability to see and act quickly upon opportunities with great timing.