Single Men and Their Financial Blunders

Bangalore: Men tend to be a bit rash when it comes to money matters. Married men are still cautious to an extent but bachelors sometimes go overboard with financial decisions. So, if you are a bachelor, try and avoid these financial mistakes, as given by AskMen.Com -

1. Having a Joint Credit Card

When in love or a relationship, couples tend to stick out for each other. If one of the partner’s is having money troubles, the other steps right up to fix the situation. Most of the times, men will offer to pay the credit card bills of their partners. Many men also go for joint credit cards as the payment of bills is easier. If a couple has a joint credit card account, both are equally responsible for the payment. So, even if the lady spends oodles of money, the guy might eventually have to pay up. This is particularly painful if it drains men of their money. It also adversely affects the credit rating of guys if bills are not paid on time.