No Time Bar to Claim Insurance On Stolen Cars

No Time Bar to Claim Insurance On Stolen Cars

Bangalore: If your car is stolen it can create some serious problem in your insurance premiums. Till date most of the insurance companies in India had fixed that within 24 hours from the time the car was stolen, the car owners have to claim for insurance. Practically it is not easy for people to get all the car documents within a short period of time.

Consumer forum decided that, if the car is stolen, there is no time bar to claim insurance. This means, all the pain and hardships faced by the victims until now, would come to an end, reports Rebecca Samervel of TNN.

The first thing that forum discussed was about people whose insurance claim was rejected by the insurance company on the grounds of not claiming it within 48 hours. The consumer forum ordered that the insurance company must pay the compensation to the insurer along with the insured amount.

Infact, the judgment said that the new rules are brought in, to help the insured person keeping in mind the scrutiny of the claim.

Apart from this, it is very important to know what kind of insurance you should buy for your car. Normally, there are two types of car insurance policies that are available. They are- third-party liability and comprehensive insurance.

Third-party liability is mandatory in India but it’s always better to buy comprehensive insurance policy as they cover personal accident, liability, personal liability and theft. Moreover through this policy you will also get insurance for the damages of the car due to accidents.

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