Money Lessons From 7 Deadly Sins

Bangalore: Who says the 7 Deadly Sins are all bad? The trick is to learn something useful from these evils. After all, taking a negative and turning it into positive is creativity. Tim, of FaithAndFinance.Org, has given an interesting take on how the 7 Cardinal Sins can actually teach us about money -  

1. Lust

Lust is perhaps the one sin that piques mankind’s imagination the most. But apart from its obvious meaning, lust encompasses a tremendous craving for worldly pleasures. Lust can make people desire for filthy rich lifestyle and blatantly expensive materialistic things. If you want to be a victim of lust, then desire of being wealthy the right way. Plus, when it comes to money, desiring for more is good as long as it is put to good use and is earned by proper means.