9 Ways People Harm Their Credit Card Score

6. Buying everything by card: People in order to get great reward opportunities, sometimes buy everything with their credit card. Spending too much and not paying on time can raise a red flag on your money management abilities. Apart from this there will an increased risk of exceeding your limit. Even if you pay your full balance every month, racking up too much debt can hurt your score.  Also, be cautious before you charge. Some credit card companies can track where consumers shop and penalize them for purchases that could lead to financial problems.

7. Missing credit card payments: Missing credit card payments is a usual practice for most of the people. Always remember thirty-five percent of your credit score is your payment history. Consistently being late on your credit card payments will definitely hurt your credit score. Pay your credit card bills on time to preserve your credit score. By making late payments on bills and debts you will hurt your credit score for each late payment that you make on your bills and debts. In order to avoid the black marks on your credit file try not to miss any of your payments. Defaults are one of the most common reasons why credit scores slide.

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