8 Most Frugal Billionaires of All Time

David Cheriton

$1.3 Billion

Country: Canada

David Ross Cheriton is a computer science professor at Stanford University.  He has made huge investments in technology companies and owns a large a large chunk of Google stock. Cheriton was ranked as the 19th wealthiest Canadian according to Forbes in 2012 with an estimated worth of US$1.3billion. Cheriton is known to have a frugal lifestyle, avoiding expensive cars or large houses. He usually rides his bike, though he also drives a 1993 Honda Accord or a 1986 Volkswagen camper. He is still living in the Palo Alto home which he had bought in 1981.  Most interestingly, the billionaire cuts his own hair rather than wasting time and money going to a barber.

More: 10 Money Facts Your Parents Forgot To Teach You

John Caudwell

$2.4 Billion

Country: U.K.

John David Caudwell, the former auto-repair shop owner and Michelin engineer entered the cellphone business in 1987. This English business man is also a passionate sportsman; he used to bike 14 miles to work. He is a qualified pilot, and flies himself. He also cuts his own hair because, he says, going to a barber is a waste of time, and buys his clothes at inexpensive British retailer Marks & Spencer.

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