7 Money Matters That Can Kill a Marriage

6. Extended Family

Do you like your in-laws? Now before you answer this question, think of recent argument you had with your partner relating to money matters concerning your in-laws. Have you come across a situation where her mom spends money for medical purposes or your parents’ needs a new car? Or even worse like her brother can't pay the rent or your sister's husband lose his job. Now when one spouse is writing a check and the other wants to know why that money wasn't used to address needs right here at home. In such a situation, couples should discuss about each partners financial obligations towards one’s parents, in-laws and siblings and how it could be met without disturbing one’s family budget. 

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7. Hiding Money facts

Be Honest about your financial situations with your life partner, this will help you to nurture love and understanding in your marital life. Hiding facts about past debts, recent shopping trips or secret owned bank account will build communication gaps with your spouse and you may lose his or her trust too. And living with a resentful, angry, frustrated spouse can be a miserable experience.

Talking about your financial plans, financial goals and financial situations will help you to set policy with your spouse in advance. Challenges aside, getting married also has financial advantages. It is a great way to double your income without doubling your expenses.

Also Read: 10 Money Facts Your Parents Forgot To Teach You