6 Money Myths

Buying Cheap Stuff

Goods which are less costly will always have more number of buyers. It will not be very surprising if you find yourself being one of them. Before you buy something then don’t only consider its price but also its quality especially when you intend to use it for a longer period. You can use this easy rule of thumb to calculate the cost per use. For example, compare buying a pair of shoe of 200, which can wear maximum for 40 days, this will cost you 5 per wear. Now consider buying a pair of shoe of 600 which you can easily wear for nearly 200 days, this will cost you 3 per wear.

 Choosing Junk Food

Are you a junk food lover? Even if you say no but then your poor health condition provides a good evidence of the truth. Fast food easily attracts you because it’s cheaper and tastier than plain healthy food products. Fast foods have always remained the main cause of obesity. Choosing Samosa, chats, golgappa, vada pav……may make you spend little, but in the long run can cause serious health issues like diabetes and heart disease. Always remember an ounce spend in prevention is better than a pound spend in cure. Your health is of major concerns so don’t exploit it over short term gains if not in future to correct your health conditions you will be spending lakhs.