5 Vital Financial Moves For Parents In Their 30s And 40s

122. Save for kids

Little ones may also be entering the picture, and you’ll probably have to plan for child care costs, as well as starting to save for college. For the latter, consider opening an account and start contributing what you can now to help defray tuition costs and other college fees down the road. So do your homework before deciding which one is best for your family’s needs.

i43. Reassess Your Insurance Needs

Big life events like getting married; having kids, buying a house can be trigger points for examining whether your insurance needs are being appropriately met. If you have dependents, securing life insurance now will help them maintain financial security in the future if anything should happen to you.

To further protect yourself and those you love, you should also consider both short- and long-term disability insurance in the event that an injury or illness ever prevents you from earning an income. Start by looking into group policies available through your employer.