2012: Top 5 Money Hacks

Bangalore: Everyone wants to get richer these days, even the rich. As regular people, there are some techniques at our disposal to make this dream come true but only over a period of time. Majorly, these techniques will help us curtail unnecessary spending and channel our funds towards productive measures. These tips are given by Stacy Johnson of MoneyTalksNews.com. One must, however, understand that these tips are more useful in channeling more towards more fruitful activities than just blatantly save money. After all, money that sits idly is of no use. So, do take these points into consideration as being cautious with money never hurts –

1) Save More Money –

This tip is perhaps the oldest tip given by any person who talks about handling money properly. From our grandparents, to parents and even analysts, all people will tell us to save money. Any person with common sense would know that accumulating money equals more money for varied purposes. However, the trick is to actually save money and not just keep it at bay as some redundant philosophy. In this tech-savvy era, one can easily save money by resorting to various technological methods by automating and keep it in records. One needs to keep a tab on all inlets and outlets of money in an excel-sheet. This way, accessing monetary information becomes easier. Moreover, paying through cheques and online payments are good ways to save on time and money as there are no hidden charges involved. Having a digital account of money can also help at the time of filing income tax returns.