10 Uncommon Insurance Policies You Have Never Heard Of

6. Insurance against flight tragedy

This insurance would provide cover to those who might get hurt but survived during a plane crash, or to the family of the deceased. The policy seems a bit out of place since the chances of dying in a place crash is next to nil. Also, for any health hazard one could easily get covered under their life and health insurance, so why take such a policy. The chances of getting injured or killed are more in trains or cars than on a plane.  

7. Unexpected delivery of more than expected number of kids

You read it right. If a woman gives birth to more than the expected number of kids, and is covered then she could claim insurance. This policy however makes sense because the emergence of quadruplets when you are expecting twins can mean double the expenditure. For such unanticipated good news, one might need financial security to take good care of the off-springs.

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