10 Expensive Celebrity Divorces

4. Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren

Divorce Settlement Amount - $100 Million

Woods and Nordegren are part of another fairy-tale marriage. One hailed from the world of gentlemanly sports and the other – a super-model. They had a charmed life. But like all people on this list, the couple too headed for splitsville. The worst part of this divorce is that Woods had cheated on Nordegren not once but multiple times and with multiple women. Such shocking news is enough to break even the strongest of people but Nordegren did not give in to the pain. iVillage quotes Nordegren, "First and foremost, my children (Sam and Charlie) are the reason I'm getting through this." She further says, "Just having them around, hugging me, kissing me, gives me the strength to get through every day." She quoted to People magazine, "I feel stronger than I ever have" and “I have confidence in my beliefs, my decisions and myself. I know that I have more healing to do but I am excited to start the next chapter of my life."