10 Books That Guide You to Become a Better Investor

 4. A Random Walk Down Wall Street By Burton G. Malkiel

The book evaluates what most people critically say about stock markets, and also gives clear explanation of how their sayings are no more suitable for the present world.

Infact this book provides a complete guide for individual investors and how they should make best decisions while investing.

Moreover, if you are a person who is newly introduced to finance markets, then it’s the best book for you to read as the author has explained all the basic concepts you should know as an investor.

5. Stocks For The Long Run by Jeremy Siegel

“Stocks for the Long Run” by Jeremy J. Siegel is one of the few books on finance that one must read.

The author initially mentioned about the stocks and bonds in his book. Apparently, in the past there was some confusion in the minds of the investors whether to choose between bonds and stocks.

Later he has discussed about long term and short term investment plans. Here he argued that it’s not possible to predict the short term movements.

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