We invite nominations in the following award categories.

Entries can be submitted by companies themselves, other companies or public bodies, or individuals wishing to recognise their clients, customers or colleagues efforts.

If you feel your company is up there with the best in the Embedded software industry, this is the perfect opportunity to benchmark your performance against other businesses in the industry.

Best VLSI/ Embedded Design Company - Automotive
Best VLSI/ Embedded Design Company – Consumer Electronics
Best VLSI/ Embedded Design Comapny – Defense/Aerospace
Best VLSI/ Embedded Design Company – Telecom/ Networking
Best Electronic System Design company - MNC
Best Electronic System Design company - Startup
Award for Youngest Entrepreneur in Semiconductor Space
Outstanding Contribution to VLSI/ Embedded Design Industry - Corporate
Outstanding Contribution to VLSI/ Embedded Design Industry - academic institution
Outstanding Contribution to VLSI/ Embedded Design Industry - Individual
Best VLSI/ Embedded Design Company from the Sub Continent

Nominate for above categories
Nominate for one more category plus