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September-2001  issue
Career Wize
CONTINUE STUDYING WHILE SEEKING JOB I am a graduate student in computer science at a university in Oregon, US, on the verge of graduating. But I have developed interest in computer engineering and have decided to pursue another... more>>
Cover Feature
That’s right — what a great time to come up with 100 companies that show the characteristics of long-term viability,... more>>
Spend a day trawling through brand-name VC portfolios, and visit the corporate Web sites of a few hundred of the most promising... more>>
2000 si100 companies that were… Dropped From the List Accelerated Networks: Going public in April of 2000 was a tough... more>>
Microcontrollers Holding Up Arizona based Microchip Technology, whose specialized semiconductors include... more>>
Beware Temporary Success I have had the experience of working for an Indian IT company and also in a huge U.S.-based MNC.... more>>
VC Talk
Several factors play interesting and interacting roles in making a business successful. Speed, time to market, profitability,... more>>
Barrett was on hand to introduce the Indian market to Intel’s 64-bit Itanium, the first product in its IA-64 family of... more>>
Conventional investing wisdom says that one needs to concentrate investments when amassing wealth and diversify when preserving... more>>
After a visit to Bollywood in 1993, film director Baz Luhrmann wondered what would happen if he mixed Bollywood’s... more>>
One: Don’t Ask for a Job So you have taken stock of all your skills, got a great resume ready and started getting... more>>
Long before the world discovered India as a software paradise, Ramesh Mehta had identified its potential. Hailing from... more>>
Next time you’re looking for a member of India’s fledgling venture capital industry, go to Bangalore or Mumbai. But, you... more>>
Piyush Patel recalls days not too long ago, when Cabletron’s competitors would go into sales presentations with a slide that... more>>
Arun Sarin left InfoSpace seven months ago, after less than a year’s tenure as CEO of the now struggling company. Following... more>>
Pay close attention to the ideas discussed in this column and the next few because they will boost your sales by anywhere... more>>
It’s lonely at the top. And it can sometimes be a little lonely on the way up too, especially if you’re a woman in... more>>
From the sprawling triangular McKinsey & Co. conference room in Redwood Shores, Calif., one of the company’s partners, Anil... more>>
“You can do it in India, better and cheaper” is a familiar refrain echoing with harrowing frequency through... more>>
If the economic downturn has made you jittery, the following suggestions may help you regain your mental balance: 1.... more>>
Not long ago, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists shuddered to think of locating in the Punjab region. It was, in their view,... more>>
What is happening with IT spending in large U.S. financial companies? From a Wall Street point of view, with the... more>>
“Seventeen out of 25 steel companies in the U.S. are in chapter eleven. When you have a situation like that you don’t... more>>
Syed Shahed to Lead Society of Automotive Engineers The Society Automotive Engineers’ 66-member nomination committee has... more>>
From all the research, interaction and analysis, we sifted out a few key traits that we think will be necessary for companies... more>>
Sam Pitroda Column
The digital divide issue has been debated for nearly two and a half decades. But in the nineties – the high growth period for... more>>