
Venture Capital: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

By Vivek Wadhwa   |   Wednesday,August 12,2009
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A veteran entrepreneur tells you what you should know about venture capital before you sign on the dotted line.

There often comes a time in the life of a startup when the founder must decide if it's better to own a small piece of a big pie. That's because bootstrapping can only take you so far. When you're lucky enough to reach the stage where you have a product that customers really want, a business model that works, and a management team that is itching to take over the world, start weighing your options.

Raising millions through venture capital allows you the luxury of not having to watch every penny. You gain experienced investors who can help you focus on the big picture and plan your growth strategy. But there are many strings attached to this money—it's practically like getting married.

Let's start with the good that comes with venture capital money.

1. Experience, advice, and mentoring. Whether you work in the tech world or the film world, the principles of building a business are the same. Those who have done it before can provide tremendous value. Venture capitalist firms are usually staffed by experienced executives who have not only been successful on their own, but have also watched dozens of startups succeed and fail. They can guide you through your journey.

2. Objectivity. What drives the most successful entrepreneurs is their vision and their determination to succeed at all costs. It's very easy to believe your own press and lose objectivity. Having experienced partners there ready to throw cold water on you can provide a healthy balance.

3. Networking. It's always about who you know. Venture capitalists maintain extensive contacts with other venture firms, executives of firms with whom they've done business or served on boards, investment funds whose money they manage, and so on. Their Rolodexes are usually worth more than their weight in gold if you don't want to make cold calls (see, 06/06/05, ""Ask for Help—and Offer It"").

4. Recruitment. It is hard to know what to look for when you're interviewing for all the diverse positions you have to fill (see, 05/19/06, "Countdown to Product Launch, Part III"). What do you ask when you're interviewing a lawyer, for example? How can you tell if the VP of sales is more adept at selling himself than your product? Management teams are usually the top priority
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