Zuckerberg Returns To Harvard

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 09 November 2011, 01:09 IST   |    27 Comments
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Mark addressed the reporters and students at Harvard and told that their company has just getting started to hire and by the next five or ten years they have planned to rethink about the different products and industries.
After the launch of the Facebook in the year 2004, Mark has got many admirers over different streams. Aaron Perez, an eighteen year old and Harvard student Madeline Halimi of Brooklyn, New York told that Zuckerberg's story is encouraging and Aaron also told that Mark was the main reason for him to opt computer science. Madeline Halimi also told that Zuckerberg made her proud of Harvard. By the time Zuckerberg created facebook as the campus only social network; Harvard computing officials were working on their own university-wide online directory. The officials told the campus news paper 'Harvard Crimson' that it was silly that the university needed years to create the site. The main intention for Mark to visit Harvard for recruiting is that he has plans of expanding his company and he is in search of new talents to work on it.