Young Social Innovators of India

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 02:31 IST
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4. Easy Car cover

SR Poobesh Gowtham
Class 8, Tamil Nadu

Daily hassle of stripping and dressing the car with car cover can be avoided with this new mechanism. Here Phoobesh says a rectangular frame is used which is kept on the car and the strips pulled down.


5. Manual bed sheet squeezer

Bed sheet squeezer
Class 7, Karnataka

The bed spread or the curtain attached to a simple machine, whose handle can be rotated to wrench out water is of great help to her mother and older people whose problems are alleviated to a greater extent.




6. Device to assist low vision people

By observing the students of a blind school close to his house, Jyoti got the idea of doing something for those who suffer with Glaucoma. He has developed a system to assist low vision people in their day to day life by making use of a zoom camera which zooms in distant images  and a LCD to display the same in front of the eyes.