Can Modi Change the Way World Perceives Him?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 19 September 2011, 23:33 IST
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Bangalore: Peace, Unity and Harmony - Narendra Modi preaches the great virtues 10 years since the deadly Gujarat riots. As his 72-hour long 'Sadbhavana' fast comes to an end, will Modi's hopes of an image makeover come true? The ruling Congress party, for once, is breathing easy as Modi has taken the spotlight on himself from the scam-hit central government. Modi's Sadbhavana mission, aimed to change the way the world perceives him, has been both praised and criticized by many. The controversial Chief Minister says Gujarat is a model state and his mission is to let the world know the developmental activities in the state.
Modi fast
The Gujarat University Convention Hall in Ahmedabad has seen many a political celebrities since Modi began his fast including the BJP top brass LK Advani, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley. Many other political allies of NDA, non-allies and community leaders came in support of the Gujarat CM. He repeatedly stressed on peace, unity and harmony and said, "Gujarat has suffered immense pain. I empathize with the families that have suffered. I can still feel the pain."

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