5 things you should not share with your colleagues

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 21 July 2011, 23:28 IST
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Discussing personal stuff:
This is a very important rule in the black book. Discussing your breakups, divorce, difficult in-laws, missing maids, are not information to be shared with colleagues over lunch or cried over their shoulders. Also speaking about boy/girl who interests you in office will show that you are not concentrating on your work and your focus is shifting. Knowing your personal stuff, your colleagues might make a fool out of you and also might take advantage of it at times. In an office environment, one is expected to share a professional relationship with all. The above are certain topics that could rebound on you and negatively affect your career growth. All readers would not agree that these are completely avoidable. Yes we agree on that. It's human nature and we tend to do the above things under certain pressures and circumstances. But all we need to do is