Will Rural BPOs Change the Face of Rural India?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 12 September 2011, 23:54 IST
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Bangalore: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) centers are mainly associated with urban India, but as a village in Karnataka has shown, rural areas are potential pivots for business outsourcing. A study reveals that the majority of (60 percent) computer engineers working in the BPO industries hail from rural areas as they aspire to find jobs in cities. BPO centers in villages could solve the employment woes of rural India and stop undue migration to cities. Many of the companies are also now looking to villages to solve their 'expense woes'.
Among the advantages of rural BPOs, the cost factor stands out. The last few years have seen a spiraling increase in salary, training and recruitment costs for BPO companies. The salary of rural employees is around 4000 as compared to 9000 for city employees. As such, many companies are now open to launching BPO centers in non urban and rural areas. The BPO companies have the option of shifting low-end, low-skilled jobs to rural BPOs while taking care of specialized and high-end jobs in cities. Access to women employees is another benefit the rural BPOs enjoy. Apart from being equally skilled in computer related tasks, women are more loyal employees.

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