Top 10 websites that changed the world

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Wednesday, 19 January 2011, 13:33 IST
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Bangalore: Ever since the internet came into our lives, we have come across many websites in one way or the other that have influenced us a lot. They have such a deep mark in our day to day life that we can't even think of a world where they don't exist. By changing our perspective towards anything we see, these websites have made such a huge impact that they have changed the world forever. Listing here are the top 10 websites among them. 1. Google:
Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998 as an advertising company, Google today commands the largest internet search engine in the world. It has turned out to be a gigantic empire and is branching out into parts like email, news, price comparison (Froogle), cartography (Google Maps), literature (with Google Book Search), free telephony (Google Talk), and Google Earth, an incredibly detailed virtual globe. So far it has been able to have such an impact over people that its name is listed as a verb in the Oxford English Dictionary. To be honest, there is nothing much to say about Google. Google speaks for itself. 2. Wikipedia:
When Jimmy Wales founded Wikipedia in 2001, he hardly thought that his creation will one day be considered as one of the most trust-worthy sources of information. What has made this free online encyclopaedia such a big success is that, it is open to everyone to read, and also to edit. Its 17 million articles have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site. Today, Wikipedia is attracting 2,000-plus page requests a second.

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