323 HCL Comnet eyes BI segment | siliconindia

HCL Comnet eyes BI segment

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 05 November 2003, 20:30 IST
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BANGALORE: HCL Comnet, an infrastructure management solutions provider, has expanded its offerings by entering the business intelligence segment. Company officials claim its product — SmartManage, which was developed in two-and-a-half years — is 10% to 20% cheaper than competitive offerings. HCL Comnet, will go up against enterprise software makers such as Oracle, SAP and PeopleSoft as well as specialised players such as Business Objects, SAS and Informatica. Business intelligence (BI) tools are applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analysing and providing access to data to help firms make better business decisions. A BI tool sits on top of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, drawing data from disparate areas and systems. According to a Nasscom market intelligence report on BI, this market is expected to reach $12 billion by 2006. Sanjeev Nikore, COO, HCL Comnet, said the company’s solution would be priced at around $50,000 for a low-end version and climb to $100,000 to $200,000 for a full-scale implementation. According to a Gartner report, only half of the BI implementations are completed due to complications in installing the software and getting it operational. (Source: ET)