Five phrases to avoid in resume

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 19 July 2011, 02:04 IST
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Five phrases to avoid in resume Resume is not just a document of statements; but facts that are to be proved. Yes, the basic of job hunting is the self marketing campaign, so the resume is your marketing document; however, you need to prove your worth through the resume. Vague statements would kill the chances of getting a job. You will have to establish the fact that you have added value in the past which can be attained only with emphasizing on results. Resume is the best sales tool you have and so, you need to make it error free and interesting. There are a lot of phrases and words that are overused and cliche which you need to be avoided. 1. Team player
Any HR manager who searches candidates with this key word, would receive thousands of resumes that would be considered 'relevant' to their search parameters, which are cliche and vague. Instead, you can fill in your resume with solid facts on how you worked on some project in a team or how you teamed up with someone or with a department to meet an objective? Give details about your achievements as a team player rather than just stating that you are a team player.

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