10 Most Successful IITians in America

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 22:27 IST
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Bangalore: IITians are renowned all over the world for their brilliant technical minds and exceptional skills which remain incompatible with their global counterparts. If you take a look at some of the outstanding business schools or companies in the U.S., you will find IITians at the topmost position. Apart from the list given below, undoubtedly there are many more IITians in US who are equally successful, but the ones mentioned below are the most prominent ones-

Soumitra Dutta


Soumitra Dutta, a 48 year old Indian American will take the position of Dean of Cornell University’s Management School, on July 1, 2012. He is currently the Professor of Business and Technology at INSEAD.

According to Dutta, "The IIT system is about the best people" and "While the professors and faculty members, who helped in creating the foundation for research, innovation and entrepreneurship, remain an important part of my life, the competition with peers always motivated me to do better."

Even though Sumitra has been outside his native for more than 22 years he does not have a Western accent nor does he have the famous European indifference."I strongly hold on to two things that I brought with me from India: respecting diversity and the importance of family values," he says.

Professor Dutta is also involved in policy development activities, both at national and European levels. Apart from being an academician and businessman, he is also the author of many books.

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