World's Top Executives and the Best Advice They Received

7.  Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO, Chanel:

Mickey Drexler, CEO of Gap at the time, told Maureen “I’m going to give you some important advice. You’re a terrific merchant. But you’ve gotta learn to listen!”

8. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman, Google:

The best advice Eric ever got was "Find a way to say yes to things. Say yes to invitations to a new country, say yes to meet new friends, say yes to learn something new. Yes is how you get your first job, and your next job, and your spouse, and even your kids."


9. Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook:

When Sheryl Sandberg was thinking she wouldn’t accept an offer to be Google’s general manager, Eric Schmidt told her, “Stop being an idiot; all that matters is growth.” Sheryl is of the opinion that that’s the best advice she ever got.